Why manual software testing is essential for your start-up or small business

Why manual software testing is essential for your start-up or small business

Why manual software testing is essential for your start-up or small business


When it comes to developing software, it can be tempting to skip or short-change the testing phase in the rush to get the product to market.

When it comes to developing software, it can be tempting to skip or short-change the testing phase in the rush to get the product to market.

However, neglecting thorough testing, especially manual testing, is a bit like heading out on a road trip without checking your cars oil or tyre pressure — you might get lucky, but you’re risking major problems down the road.

However, neglecting thorough testing, especially manual testing, is a bit like heading out on a road trip without checking your cars oil or tyre pressure — you might get lucky, but you’re risking major problems down the road.

What is manual testing?

What is manual testing?

What is manual testing?

In a nutshell, manual testing means having a real person test your software from the perspective of an end user. Rather than relying solely on automated scripts, the tester explores the application, trying out various functions and inputs to see if anything breaks or behaves unexpectedly.

Think of it like test driving a car before you buy it. You could just trust that everything works based on the manufacturer’s automated diagnostic checks. But there’s no substitute for actually getting behind the wheel, seeing how it handles in real world road conditions, and gauging subjective factors like comfort and ease of use. That’s essentially what manual testers do for your software.


Why manual testing matters

Why manual testing matters

You might be thinking, “Can’t we just automate all our testing and call it a day?” While test automation certainly has its place, relying on it exclusively would be a big mistake. Here’s why manual testing is indispensable:

1. Automated tests only check what you make them check

Automated testing is a bit like sending a robot into a maze and programming it to always turn left. It will diligently follow those instructions, but it won’t notice if there’s a huge hole in the floor or a sign pointing to a shortcut.

Similarly, automated tests only check for the specific issues and scenarios you anticipate. They can miss critical bugs that crop up under unexpected circumstances. Manual testers, on the other hand, are not constrained by a script. They probe the nooks and crannies of your application, uncovering defects you never thought to look for.

2. Some things can only be tested by humans

Certain aspects of software quality, like usability, accessibility, and the overall user experience, are inherently subjective. You could have an application that passes every automated functional test with flying colours, but if it’s clunky, confusing, or visually unappealing to use, your customers will not be impressed.

Manual testers put themselves in the shoes of your target user. They can gauge how intuitive the workflows are, catch awkward design elements, and identify areas that could be streamlined. Automated tests simply cannot assess these nuanced, qualitative factors that make or break the user experience.

3. Manual testing brings fresh perspectives

When you’re deep in the weeds of developing a complex application, it’s easy to develop tunnel vision. You’re so immersed in the technical details and constraints that you lose sight of how the average user will approach your software.

Engaging manual testers is like having a knowledgeable friend who’s not afraid to give you honest feedback. Coming from outside your core development bubble, they can spot issues and suggest improvements you’re too close to see. They help ensure you’re not just building the product right, but building the right product for your end users.

4. Manual testing lays the foundation for automation

Contrary to popular belief, manual and automated testing are not rivals. They’re the yin and yang of a well-rounded testing strategy, complementing and enhancing each other.

Before you automate a test, you need to perform it manually to verify the expected behaviour. Manually testing through key functions and scenarios helps you identify what and how to automate. Once you have solid manual test cases in place, you can gradually automate the ones that are most frequent or time-consuming. This frees up your manual testers to focus on more complex, exploratory, and user-centric testing. But it all starts with laying that manual groundwork.

How we can help?

“So this was a sleezy sales pitch all along?”, not particularly. We love giving advice, learning more about other businesses and partnering with companies. Even if you click away after reading this we’re happy knowing you’ve hopefully learned something today and can implement this into your own business.

If you do decide to partner with us, here are a few key advantages you can expect —

  • Flexibility: We work on an hourly basis, so you can engage us for as much or as little testing as you need. Ramp up testing resources for a big release, then scale back down. No unnecessary overhead.

  • User-centric approach: Our testers bring a fresh set of eyes and the perspective of your target customer to every project. We help you drill down to the core question: will users love this?

  • Seamless integration: We plug into your existing workflows, tools, and teams to provide a frictionless, high-value testing service. Think of us as your on-demand QA department.

Whether you need comprehensive test case development, exploratory bug hunting, or user experience assessments, we’ve got you covered. Don’t make the mistake of neglecting hands on testing in the rush to release.

Chat with us today to see how easy and affordable it can be to get the manual testing your start-up needs.

Your customers (and your bottom line) will thank you.

Manual testing

Manual testing

Manual testing

Automated testing

Automated testing

Automated testing

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02922 520 519

11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ

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02922 520 519

11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ

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02922 520 519

11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ

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Company Number: 16025044

VAT Number: GB479 4869 13

Registered Office: 11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ

Company Number: 16025044

VAT Number: GB479 4869 13

Registered Office: 11-13 Penhill Road, Cardiff, CF11 9PQ

Company Number: 16025044

VAT Number: GB479 4869 13